DS-KD8003 - DS-KV8113 - DS-KV8213 - DS-KV6113 - DS-KV8413 and .... integration Hikvision HikConnect Video intercom doorbell

dont think so, isapi is not activated on indoor

how come your outdoor is on a different network? how have you setup the hardware then? all indoor stations are linked by ip to outdoor? so its the same network? what am i missing?

Itā€™s a condo deployment with many apartments.
Every apartment has its own home network.
All intercom devices are instead on the intercom network through a PoE switch.
Every user has his own indoor unit that can be connected to his home network via WiFi, for HikConnect service for example. Indoor units have two interfaces: Ethernet PoE interface connected to the intercom network, and WiFi interface connected to the user home network.
See image:

Ok, clear, maybe you try to setup a route? Route add ā€¦

A route in the indoor station?

No, on your client , not sure if itā€™s possible , to set the indoor as a gateway for a specific end ip , in your case the 8003

I believe itā€™s not possible

Yeah, not sure if the the network cards on the indoor are smart enough to use the gateway of your lan cable,

I was testing it myself on the 8003. Put the user and PW before the IP address. Just figured it out a minute ago. Now I am getting a new message:
bash: !@My-IP-Address/ISAPI/AccessControl/RemoteControl/door/1: event not found
I am not sure what it means.

??? Thatā€™s complete wrong from terminal you need to compete curl command as I posted

I am not sure I understand. The curl command is as per your post but if I do not add the user and password to the http part, I get the connection refuse error. I have only posted the response to that command with the user and password in both parts of the command and I am not sure I understand the respond.

have you tried with putty or an api tester?

None. I have installed the API tester add on for Chrome but had no time to test yet. I can also run it as a shell command.
BTW, if I am not mistaken, it was tested under Linux Mint 19.3. I am not sure I have tested under HASS.IO.

Itā€™s a 401 error? You can also try to add username and password in the url itself , like : http://user: pass@ip ā€¦

No. I do send the http as you posted with user and password otherwise I canā€™t access.
When I use it, I get the following message:
bash: !@My-IP-Address/ISAPI/AccessControl/RemoteControl/door/1: event not found
I simply do not know what it means. I did not check if the door opens.

Can you make a screenshot from your command and output? What firmware is installed?

update : ds-kd8003 , next firmware, will update some ISAPI commands

Iā€™m following this thread very interested. I will install a ds-kd8003 soon as well. Happy to see someone is working on the integration into home assistant. Happy to help as far as I can :wink:

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yeah, its not actually an integration, but we can use those commands, verry usefull :slight_smile:

Hi to all,
I own the model KV8213 and am trying to execute the command
curl --digest -X PUT -d ā€˜openā€™ http://admin:[email protected]/ISAPI/AccessControl/RemoteControl/door/1

but I return the message ā€œinvalid operationā€.
Commands likely change based on firmware version?


yes, possible, maybe you need the other command?