DSC26 switch can be driven but state not detected by HA

Running 2 x DSC26 AEON in-wall switches which are both showing the same behaviour.

Added/integrated without problems and can drive the connected load (Lights) from HA.where they then show as on or off accordingly.

However, if I switch them on manually via the attached SPST light switch (type =1), HA does not see the lights as on, although they behave as any normal light. This means that HA can’t detect them as active so can’t then turn them off via an automation


Regards, Pat

Parameter 80 needs to be set to something besides Disable. Preferably “Basic CC Report”. Not sure if that will be properly mapped to the switch, if not you can try “Hail”.

Or you can try manually polling the entity (refresh service). It may not report automatically being an older device.