DSMR Reader Add-on for Home Assistant

Basically it integrates DSMR Reader in HA on UI level without having to mess with ports, so security wise it’s also a little safer (when you remove the 7777 port config aswell after activating and running Ingress correctly).

See Introducing Hass.io Ingress - Home Assistant

But you don’t have to use it, you can still use the manual ip:7777 option, only downside is now that you can’t use the ‘OPEN WEB UI’ button anymore.

i enabled the ingress toggle, and webui is back :wink:
easier than, 7777

Hi sanderdw, after viewing your post on Tweakers I decided to try your DSMR reader adon. I followed all the steps and i saw the data flowing in and the charts building. Which was great!

However after a while I noticed some very high strange readings coming into the regular HA energy dashboard. See screenshot below


I already had the dsmr integration installed before i tried your add on. Can you help me trouble shoot these very strange spikes? And how can i fix them?

Do you have the same spikes in DSMR Reader itself? You must be using the DSMR Reader - Home Assistant in combination with the addon right?

I dont think so, will check at home this evening. They also appear in the gas readings. This is the integration I am using next to the adons you described:


I guess i “broke” something because i cannot get to the graphs anymore. Even a reinstall of both the db and the add on didn’t work:

Seems like you didn’t open the correct url. Do you have Ingress enabled? If yes open the UI trough Home Assistant itself. If you didn’t switch Ingress to on in the configuration, go manually to the url in your browser. You can find the correct url in the beginning of the log file when you start it up.

Thanks! That worked, I never saw in the steps you needed to turn on Ingress. I can now see the graphs being populated. Currently I cannot check historical values as I deleted the postgres db addon. I did notice that that deletion didn’t remove the very values in the energy dashboard, where are these stored and would you know how to remove them?

Also in the final optional step you mentioned to include the dsmr reader integration: DSMR Reader - Home Assistant However if i use that one I cannot use the entities in the energy dashboard.

If I use this integration all seems to work well: DSMR Slimme Meter - Home Assistant
Could they be interfering with each other?

Yes agree it’s not very clear yet, it’s because how the addon system works. If my code says the addon has Ingress support, the ‘OPEN WEB UI’ suddenly only works with Ingress. But Ingress is not default yet in the addon (it’s in BETA), so after upgrading you need to go to the url in your browser manually. It’s mentioned in the changelog though.

About that final step, that is answered here: DSMR Reader Add-on for Home Assistant - #175 by woutercoppens

So yes they interfere as they both using the USB port.

Ok thanks. Altough I didnt install the integration at first and still had the spikes.

I have an old slimme meter, only a v3 I believe. Can i then still take advantage of the advanced capabilities as you stated there? And if so, how can I add the sensors in the energy dashboard? Your final step isn’t really clear on that and the documentation on the integration page also doesnt state it. Because this is what i get when i try to use it:


I can now compare the charts between the energy dashboard and your addon. Some very strange and large spikes in the return graph during the night:

Unfortunately very strange readings in the energy dashboard which is very different from your add on:



Any advice?

That’s not looking ok (but usage looks fine right?). Just to verify, you are using the usb device directly with the addon now and using the integration i mentioned in step 12 to get it in HA with mqtt right?

Did you try these settings?


Mostlikely your spikes has nothing to do with the addon and its more a question for the DSMR Reader project itself. You can create an issue here, specifying your Smart Reader hardware model: Issues · dsmrreader/dsmr-reader · GitHub

Just don’t mention the Home Assistant part yet. You first have to make sure your usage is correctly registered in DSMR Reader.

I am using the USB device directy in the addon:


However as stated above i am not able to use your optionally specified DSMR reader integration as that integration does not provide sensors data I can use in the energy dashboard.

So for the energy dashboard to have any readings I need to use the slimme meter integration, and with that integration it does not show any spikes:


However as stated above i am not able to use your optionally specified DSMR reader integration as that integration does not provide sensors data I can use in the energy dashboard.

Why is it not working? I’m using DSMR Reader - Home Assistant just fine with the energy dashboard, this is my configuration after setting up step 12:

But first things first, you need to fix the spikes in the addon first before you can have a look at integrations.

How do i go from here:

Did you add those sensors to the recorder?

when i try to update i get the following error

The command '/bin/ash -o pipefail -c curl -J -L -o /tmp/bashio.tar.gz "https://github.com/hassio-addons/bashio/archive/v0.14.3.tar.gz" && mkdir /tmp/bashio && tar zxvf /tmp/bashio.tar.gz --strip 1 -C /tmp/bashio && mv /tmp/bashio/lib /usr/lib/bashio && ln -s /usr/lib/bashio/bashio /usr/bin/bashio && rm -f -r /tmp/*' returned a non-zero code: 1

I have exactly the same error.
Hass is updated to the last versions.
DSMR wants to upgrade from 1.03 to 1.10

Maybe some upgrade errors are because of skipping some intermediate versions. Try to uninstall the addon and install/reconfigure it again (just note down your settings somewhere).

Note, last addon version is 1.2.0 so press the “Check for Updates” button first in the Add-on Store.

copied the yaml configuration
and reinstalled and pasted back configuration on line 2 (ENABLE_INGRESS: false is new)
and it works again
(btw this ingress inclusion is really nice)

I had turned off the auto update after the timescaledb problems
so i was a bit hesitant with the autoupdate, but only skipped due to pending one update :confused: