DSMR Reader Add-on for Home Assistant

Hey @TheCosmicGate, like Sander was saying. Do you have installed beside the DSMR reader Addon (from Sander) installed the DSMR Reader in “intergrations” ?

sure i did

Schermafbeelding 2024-04-02 211601

Okay @TheCosmicGate, I couldn’t see it in your other message :wink: but try to remove the dsmr intergration and reinstall it again.

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That seems to be the solution for now. It’s working again

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Anyone that has a working configuration for for DSMR Reader for Slimmelezer+ by Zuidwijk, connected via WiFi, and currently hooks directly with HA via ESPHome?

Or maybe it is not possible to connect to if from the add-on?

@marieper it’s not possible with esphome. Because DSMR Reader needs or a usb device (that shows the telegrams) or needs a telnet device. Sadly esphome doesn’t support that.

I thought that i read somewere you could flash the “slimmelezer” from Marcel with a other firmware, so it could use telnet. And then use DSMR Reader plugin :wink: (https://www.zuidwijk.com/using-esp-link/)

Not sure exactly but I thought to remember that it works with DMSR Reader, if that’s the case it could also work with the addon.

Thanks a million.

I’ll try it out, and I happen to have a spare Slimmeleze+ as I bought one extre when I beleived my original one had died.

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2024-04-16: DSMR Reader Add-on v 1.11.1, DSMR-reader v5.11
Changelog here


I experience an issue, possibly related to this reported issue.
The quick and dirty solution is to restart the add-on periodically. A small blueprint is a temporary solution:

alias: DSMR reader herstart
description: ""
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /10
condition: []
  - service: hassio.addon_restart
    metadata: {}
      addon: 0826754b_dsmr_reader
mode: single

Bssed on the reported issue i created a new release as stability is essential. @EDouna , can you let me know if the issue is temperarly resolved with this release?

2024-04-17: DSMR Reader Add-on v 1.11.2, DSMR-reader v5.11
Changelog here

On it. Downloading and I will monitor it - I’ll keep you posted.

At first sight this seems to stabilize my situation. Further details are shared on Github. Thanks Sander!

2024-04-22: DSMR Reader Add-on v1.11.3, DSMR-reader v5.11
Changelog here

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@broekieman ik heb dit net gepost: How to get Homewizard P1 meter telegrams into DSMR Reader using automations - Share your Projects! - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)

I run the latest addon. and when I use ingress link to check dsmr everything went well. If i want to login i got a error.
I use nginx proxy manager to enter my domain: https://domainxxx.nl
Ho can I solve this?

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What state_class should my DSMR entities have?

Currently the have a state_class of total_increasing

However, if you read the documentation explaining the differences between the 3 state_classes, it looks like I should be using total instead? Quote:

TOTAL The state represents a total amount that can both increase and decrease, e.g. a net energy meter. Statistics of the accumulated growth or decline of the sensor’s value since it was first added is updated every 5 minutes. This state class should not be used for sensors where the absolute value is interesting instead of the accumulated growth or decline, for example remaining battery capacity or CPU load; in such cases state class measurement should be used instead.|
TOTAL_INCREASING Similar to total, with the restriction that the state represents a monotonically increasing positive total which periodically restarts counting from 0, e.g. a daily amount of consumed gas, weekly water consumption or lifetime energy consumption. Statistics of the accumulated growth of the sensor’s value since it was first added is updated every 5 minutes. A decreasing value is interpreted as the start of a new meter cycle or the replacement of the meter.

Reading this it looks like the “_increasing” total has the ability to reset itself to zero

  1. “as start of a new cycle” (which should never happen with an energy meter?)
  2. “which periodically restarts counting from 0” - which you never want from the main energy meter?
  3. “the replacement of a meter”, which hardly ever happens? (and couldn’t that be done with state_class: total?

So the question is: should the main energy meters have state_class TOTAL ?

Same problem. seems to be a problem at dsmr-reader, see link below.
I have not found a solution for this add-on.


When restarting HA it takes about 45 minutes before DSMR reader is available.
During this time non of the sensors are updated too.

Any idea what can cause this ?