DSMR sensors re-add

Hi All, I have the following, hope someone can help me.

In the logs of HA I found errors from my DSMR meter. Since my meter was replaced a couple of weeks back, I thought that was the case. (I still was receiving data). The old meter was DSMR 4 and the new Meter is a Landis &Gir E360 with DSMR 5. This interval between 4 and 5 is different what would explain the errors I saw (CRC errors if I remember correctly, but can’t look em up anymore).

Anyway, I deleted the “Netbeheer Nederland” integration in the GUI hoping that on a reboot it would add itself back in with the correct settings. It did not, but all my sensors are now gone and I cannot find any way to add the integration back in.

The configuration in the sensor part of my config was still there. I tried removing, rebooting, re-adding, reboot, different protocol versions, etc but nothing.

Any creative ideas here?

Just add it in the configuration.yaml manually and all should be back to normal. Entity names stay the same…

See here for syntax:

Oh… after adding it back this way, go to the integration page to set the refreshrate manully to your preferred value. It was set back to 30 secs a few releases back to make sure it works “for every system”. I have a very powerful system and have set it to “0” which means it updates according to the output of the meter (every second).

I have exactly the same problem, after deleting it from the integrations menu, I cannot re-add it again… everything is ok on the configuration file, (I also tried to delete it and adding it back), but it doesn’t appear on integrations (not even on the option to add integration)

Where and what are you adding? Show your code or screenshot please.

This is the configuration file

And this the integrations page

I also don’t see any errors on the logs

Have you restarted homeassistant after adding it to the config? Are you sure it is the correct port?
You should see it in the integration already added after adding it to the configuration.yaml and restarting.

Already restarted a couple of times, I even upgraded to a hight home assistant version. Im not sure if the port is correct, but I don’t see any errors on the logs

I can see the group created on that configuration file

You can see all ports if you go to:
Supervisor - > system - > host system- > 3 dots -> hardware. Maybe try another?

And be sure the dsmr version is really set correct.

You must have added the group yourself I think, I don’t have it …

Thanks for all the quick responses over diner… :slight_smile:

My config:

- platform: dsmr
  port: /dev/ttyUSB0
  dsmr_version: 5

My ports

  - /dev/ttyACM0
  - /dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00
  - /dev/ttyUSB0
  - /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A52SJSS1-if00-port0
  - /dev/ttyS0
  - /dev/ttyS1
  - /dev/ttyS10

Weird thing is that it worked (same port, etc.), I deleted the config from GUI (not config file!) and rebooted. Since that moment it’s trouble. I tried version 4 (that worked) and 5, deleted, reboot, re-add, reboot, reboot whole linux system, change, reboot, etc. Nothing. So looks like the port is in use or something? I’m a bit clueless. Since more and more is “hidden” in the GUI I find troubleshooting harder.

! thing to notice, I am on what is now called an “unsupported” config running supervised on docker on ubuntu. I can’t upgrade since 0.118.3 since my system is unhealthy. No clue how to fix that yet. That’s a whole different discussion I’m afraid.


port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A52SJSS1-if00-port0

Will work for almost sure…

Thanks for the reply. It’s not back in the GUI, however after going through the log files the log entries that stated all this is back, like:

2020-12-11 21:01:13 WARNING (MainThread) [dsmr_parser.clients.protocol] Invalid telegram. The CRC checksum '45204' does not match the expected '29681'

I guess that has something to do with it. I searched some for this, but haven’t found a solution yet.

Try to set the dsmr version to match yours. 4 it is?

The version is on your meter.

Do you have entities?

No, no entities. The new meter is 5 ( Landis & Gyr E360 SMR 5.0)

I find this in the log files too:

dsmr_parser.exceptions.ParseError: Failed to perform CRC validation because the telegram is incomplete. The checksum and/or content values are missing.

You are sure this setup, this cable, this usb port, etc. worked with this new meter? There are several types of cables and some older cables do not work well. So at this point it is hard to tell… but if your meter is dsmr 5, and that cable is ok, it “should” work… :thinking:

I cannot see that menu, Im running a docker image

Yeah, take a look;

Like I said, the meter (DSMR4) was changed and we just plugged the cable back in the new meter. So I ASSUME that something with the discovery of the meter is off. Before hass still had the config from the old meter and that still worked, but after deletion and with the new meter this discovery now fails. Just a theory.

Hmmm… then I’m out of options. I’m not sure what you mean, there’s nothing to “discover”. You configure dsmr via https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/dsmr/ it creates entities and parses the output to it if configured correctly…

Just a theory. If it can’t detect the sensor after boot it won’t configure anything.

Thanks for all the support, really appreciate it.