DSMR stopped working after upgrading to 2024.8.2

I use the DSMR integration to import my Chargee Sparky P1 meter into Home Assistant. All worked well for about a week.

Yesterday i updated HA to 2024.8.2.
The same evening i noticed i didn’t get any more data from my P1 meter device into Home assistant. The data stopped immediately after updating. Looking at the logs it appears it couldn’t connect to the P1 meter anymore. Deleting the integration and re-installing it appears impossible: i get a connection error.

Looking at the app from Chargee all is running well.

Does anyone have any tips on how to solve this?

Prior to posting the above i checked the community and found this post:

I don’t know if this is related.

In addition I also informed the P1 1 supplier (Chargee Sparky)

problem solved!
Rather simple actually. A simple removal of the ghost entities after removing the DSMR integration + a reset of the sparky P1 meter did the trick.
I wanted to avoid a reset being concerned about data loss and some warnings found on the internet. These concerns were unnecessary.