DST <-> Sunrise/Sunset (AppDaemon)

I live in timezone Lisbon (summertime UTC + 1, wintertime UTC + 0)

Sunset today in Lisbon according to Homeassistant: ‘2023-09-30T06:27:22.118515+00:00’ => CORRECT
Sunset today in Lisbon according to Appdeamon: self.log(self.sunrise()); → 2023-09-30 06:39:06.268478 => INCORRECT
Current time according to Appdeamon; self.time() → 13:42:25.616390 => CORRECT

So the sunrise is not using the DST (+1).

Functions like self.now_is_between(“sunrise”, “sunset”) is not usable because there is an offset of 1 hour.

Any clue how to solve this?

Timezone server, homeassistant and appdeamon are set to Europe/Lisbon.

Thanks in advance