which my ISP tells me is their “router” for my connection. I suspect that this needs to be configured to do port forwarding and my neighbor, the network admin, gave me the necessary credentials but I know just enough to be dangerous and don’t want to mess things up.
installed on DELL Optiplex 7050 with ethernet connection to router.
DUCKDNS add-on installed and running with this configuration:
If I am understanding your setup correctly from the pics, you have the ISP Modem setup as pass through. Your personal router is setup as your DHCP. It appears to be using a range of
On your 3rd screen with the green and purple box you need to forward all of the traffic on port 443 to the IP address of your HA instance. What you are doing is basically saying I want all traffic on port 443 to get sent to my HA.
On your ISP router forward all 443 traffic from WAN port 443 to WAN port 443, from LAN port 443 to LAN port 443 and the LAN IP should be the based on your pics. Here what you are basically saying is I want all traffic port 443 to pass from the WAN side (public internet) to my LAN side (For you this is to your personal router).
clicked apply and then rebooted the router. I also verified the HA ip address ( on the port forwarding for the Netgear (home) router is that of my HA instance. I’m still getting the ISP router login screen when I browse to bruceghouse.duckdns.org.
Flushed DNS on the windows desktop running the browser - no change, still connects to ISP for bruceghouse.ducdns.org. At this point I’d settle for being able to establish a secured session between the browser on the windows desktop and the HA server, both on the local network. My understanding is that the secured connection is required to be able to do the initial flash of a Lilygo T-Display S3 using the ESPHOME add-on (GitHub - landonr/lilygo-tdisplays3-esphome: tdisplay s3 170x320 running esphome using patched tft_espi). I’ll revisit the remote access issue later once I’ve received the new router.