Duck DNS and Certificate issues

Hi all,

First of all, thanks for reading and helping.

I installed a few days ago DuckDNS and I made several attempts to solve the issue that I’m having, as internet is considering it still a non secure connection.

I tried to find in here and other internet sites the possible solution, but I didn’t find any.

The issue is, as said before, internet is not identifying the connection as a secure one. I installed DuckDNS and the system is reading it, as I’m managing to connect using the link but with “:8123” at the end of the link. Knowing this, it seems that the configuration that I added on DuckDNS addon works.

In “configuration.yaml” I added the following text:

#Remote Access Duck
  server_port: 8123
  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

Thanks in advance if anyone can help me!


In the duckdns addon configuration you need to set accept_terms to true for letsencrypt to work.

Hi Tom,

They are set to true. I have this instructions (I hided the token and the domain)

  accept_terms: true
  certfile: fullchain.pem
  keyfile: privkey.pem
token: 0xxxxxxxx9
aliases: []
seconds: 300

Ok good. That’s the only thing I can think of that would prevent a secure connection. Hopefully someone else can help.

Hi all,

The error that I receive is “NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID”

I did some changes in the Router, and now works without the :8123 port, but still shows the certificate error.

Thanks in advance!


Is the date and time correct on your home assistant server?


yes they are.

Doing a deepdive was an issue with the certificate itself. It was sent to another DuckDNS website that I used for the first configuration and then changed it.

The thing is that I don’t know why when updating the config option was still pointing at the old DNS address.

Thanks for your help.
