Hi all,
Is anyone else having problems with DuckDNS, Mine is just sat at" [16:30:39] INFO: Starting DuckDNS…" Ive rebooted Home assistant and reinstalled DucDNS but No joy. any ideas ?
Can you open the DuckDNS website?
Sometimes ISP block the website because there has e been too much malware from there.
They do not understand what DuckDNS is.
Hi Yes I can get to the web site, If I use curl ifconfig.me In ssh i get the IP address but Duckdns doesn’t get passed INFO: Starting DuckDNS. I think I will give something else ago
Well I don’t know what’s different as DuckDns decide to work at 2:37 am
[16:56:19] INFO: Starting DuckDNS…
[23:36:55] WARNING:
[23:46:55] WARNING:
[02:32:22] WARNING:
[02:37:22] INFO: OK