Duck DNS saves new certifcate not in /ssl/

I use the AddOn “Duck DNS” to allow ssl access to my HA instance.

For some reason, the certificate isn’t updated in the /ssl/ folder. To fix this, I regularly copied the file from /hassio/addons/data/core_duckdns/letsencrypt/<url>/ to the /ssl/ folder. But this doesn’t work anymore, and I cannot find the new location of the data folder.

Is there anything I do wrong?

Suggestions welcome.

Home Assistant 2023.3.1
Supervisor 2023.04.0
Operating System 9.5
Frontend 20230302.0 - latest 

Duck DNS config

accept_terms: true
algo: secp384r1
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem

Ok so two pieces are at work here:

First from the DuckDNS Documentation page. TLDR if you don’t change it then the default location is in the SSL folder.

So did you change it? Check your configuration.yaml under the http: section in it and see if there is a new location specified. If there is nothing there specifying a new location then it should be in the SSL folder.

NOTE: In my configuration/yaml I have nothing specified for a location, and mine is in the SSL folder.

I hope that helps.