DuckDNS add-on or integration

Hi there,

I’m about to configure DuckDNS for remote access. One thing I stumbles upon is that there seem to be two solutions for using DuckDNS: DuckDNS integration and DuckDNS add-on

So are the differences or advantages of the two approaches? One benefit I see in the integration is that it’s configurable via configuration.yaml.

If you are running the Home Assistant DuckDNS add-on this integration is not required. The add-on will keep your IP updated with DuckDNS.

Yes, I read that in the docs. Does that mean, when using the integration, I need to update the IP manually every day?

No it means if you are using the addon you don’t need the integration.

If you have duckDNS set up by some other method than the addon then the integration will keep your DuckDNS record up to date.

Just like it says here:

Just use the addon, very simple to use.

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See pinned comment under the SlackerLabs YouTube video: Home Assistant 101: Setting up Remote Access - YouTube

“The integration just keeps duckdns up to date with your ip in time when it changes. The add on [also] handles the let’s encrypt cert and renewing that cert. if you use the [in]built integration you will need to handle the cert yourself.”

BTW: Snarky answers are frequent here - try to ignore. :wink:


Hi, I have 2 questions about the integration

  1. How do I set this up for multiple subdomains
  2. Where do I create/update the services_txt, that’s not clear from the documentation

Apologies for bumping this topic but I have configured the duckdns integration (not add on) and I have no errors on HA startup so I think it is good.

I am not sure if I need to setup an automation that updates duckdns when my wan ip changes. It is not clear in the documentation. I assume that HA would need to know my WAN IP for it to work automagically and I don’t think this is the case…

Good if anyone could help clarify this.

HA itself doesn’t need to know your WAN IP, but Duck DNS does. The integration automatically detects when your public IP changes and updates Duck DNS.

That’s great. Thank you.

How does the integration detect when my public IP changes? Is it using an internet service such as

I just finished writing an automation that detects when my router wan ip changes and then forces the duckdns update by using the service call for Duck DNS: Set TXT

I think what you are saying is that is not needed as the integration does this by magic.

Yes, it uses an external IP detection service to check your WAN address at intervals.

You can can disable the automation, as that is precisely what the integration is for.

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Thank you for the clarification. That is great.

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Does the Add On still work? I get Warning messages now all the time…used to get a simple OK