I’m about to configure DuckDNS for remote access. One thing I stumbles upon is that there seem to be two solutions for using DuckDNS: DuckDNS integration and DuckDNS add-on
So are the differences or advantages of the two approaches? One benefit I see in the integration is that it’s configurable via configuration.yaml.
“The integration just keeps duckdns up to date with your ip in time when it changes. The add on [also] handles the let’s encrypt cert and renewing that cert. if you use the [in]built integration you will need to handle the cert yourself.”
BTW: Snarky answers are frequent here - try to ignore.
Apologies for bumping this topic but I have configured the duckdns integration (not add on) and I have no errors on HA startup so I think it is good.
I am not sure if I need to setup an automation that updates duckdns when my wan ip changes. It is not clear in the documentation. I assume that HA would need to know my WAN IP for it to work automagically and I don’t think this is the case…
How does the integration detect when my public IP changes? Is it using an internet service such as ifconfig.me?
I just finished writing an automation that detects when my router wan ip changes and then forces the duckdns update by using the service call for Duck DNS: Set TXT
I think what you are saying is that is not needed as the integration does this by magic.