I recently switched my routers to asus and set up aimesh but since doing this I can no longer access my Hass.io from external IPs. My htts://my.duckdns.org:8123 link works while on WiFi but not while off. I set up port forwarding and a static IP for Hassio. Am I missing anything to get this working with the AsusWRT router configuration?
How does your ‘http:’ component config look like?
base_url: https://my-domain.duckdns.org:8123
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
Was working with ISP router now it just brings up hassio page and is forever connecting
I have my external port 443 mapped to local port 8123. So both your hass.io and 443 service should point to 8123 local port. You could give that a try.
Tried that as well, no luck. https://hassioip:8123 and https://my.duckdns.org:8123 both work while on local WiFi but still not able to remote access. So frustrating as I was able to access no problem before switching routers.
OK. So you have put a second router behind your ISP router?
In that case you should take care of forwarding any traffic from the ISP router to your new router.
Your new router should have a fixed IP in the subnet of the ISP router and you should forward traffic there.
Usually, this can be done with 1 simple setting.
So a few things…
- Don’t be confused by seeing the page not connecting - its probably cached. Try in private browser to check for sure.
- Is there a reason you want to access over 8123 (other than its the default)?
- I have the same router and just use 443 end to end.
- My port forwarding on the router is
Port Range 443
Local Port 8123
- configuration.yaml just has the URL (without port - although not sure it matters).
- Have you placed the ASUS router behind another? If so have you added this router to the DMZ of the ISP router?
Then when accessing it should just be https://myhass.duckdns.org (dropping the need for the port number)
My new router isnt behind the original ISP router it replaced that router. It doesnt look like that site applies to this.
ISP cable modem --> ASUS router
I just tried in a private browser and same results. I think the ports are being blocked even though i forwarded them in the router settings.
I tried checking the ports with www.portchecktool.com/ and get a result of connection timeout every time.
I found this setting in my ISP website. Might this fix the problem? I didn’t have to touch this before when using the ISP router in conjunction with the ISP modem
If this setting is available then to me it does look like the device is routing too. Unless your isp has confirmed the router is in bridge mode. In that case the setting would not do anything.
Your modem should be in bridge mode, if not you are creating a double nat situation.
Just for verification. If you go to the WAN section of the admin pages of the ASUS router, is your WAN IP an internal address or external?
Internal usually starts with 192.168.x.x or 10.0.x.x
I’ve narrowed it down to a port forwarding issue, not a hassio, the port isn’t open. Does this mean the modem is just bridging and its a router issue? Should i enable port 80 through ISP would that even make a difference?
You see the public IP on the ASus router or in your ISP modem?
I see it on my Asus router. Can’t really see any settings on the modem its all through ISP optimum website
Just so you’re not creating red herrings that are confusing things, as @jehoo said, because you have put base_url: https://my-domain.duckdns.org:8123, you only need to forward port 443 to 8123, get rid of anything else.
Did anyone find a solution to this?
I can see my ports are open using open port tester, but I still can’t reach hass remotely…
In fact, if I use the asus ddns, it works, but if I use duckdns, it doesn’t…