I’m wondering, are there any reasons not to use DuckDNS?
(I realise there are alternative methods that provide the same(?) functionality but for the sake of this post I’m just interested in DuckDNS)
I’m prompted by having just discovered that we can integrate Google Cloud TTS into HA.
Yeah, I know…
Using the Google Cloud TTS integration is even better than the service provided by Nabu Casa in that as well as plain text you can pass it SSML which opens up all sorts of doors, not least being able to embed pauses and audio files in the announcement.
However, the URI of the audio file must be HTTPS, hence my considering the use of DuckDNS.
I believe this would also open the door to using HA Assist with a microphone should that become something I wish to do.
I have only a little knowledge in this area and I’m worried that I might have read just the right amount that it might be enough to be dangerous!
Do I run the risk of stopping other things working or worse still some unforeseen catastrophe like being locked out of my HA?
Are there any potential downfalls I need to be aware of because on the face of it it seems like a good thing even if there is no direct need for it.
Thanks and apologies for any stupidness in any of those questions!
If you replace “DuckDNS” with any dynamic DNS provider then there’s no reason not to. This is the approach many of us take.
DuckDNS is just one of dozens of options. It’s popular because it has an add-on for HAOS, but it also goes through period of instability with the service (often caused by being a target of a DDoS). Other similar services (NoIP, ChangeIP, etc) seem to have less problems.
The other option of course is to buy your own domain and use that - that’s easier if you have a static IP, but even if you don’t then you can dynamically update the DNS at Cloudflare and many other DNS providers.
in order to be able to generate a SSL certificate, you need a ‘fixed’ DNS name, so the IP can be matched to it…
There are many DNS providers, DuckDNS is one of them (and free).
Besides that, there is an issue with the fact that many internet providers don’t give statistic IP numbers; it changes every time the router reboots (or even at regular intervals). Meaning, every time the ip address changes, the dns record must be updated accordingly
So for HA, the duckdns add-on monitors the IP address, and updates the dns record when required.
And basically, that is the only thing it does.
Most people use it hand-in-hand with Let’sEncrypt (to generate and download SSL certificates).
I myself bought my own domain from TranspIP, so i set my own name, and can manage it myself (allowing me to use multiple IP address tight to my own domain). I also happen to have a static IP address. I still use Let’sEncrypt to generate my certificates
It is not expensive, maybe €10,- p/y
Because DuckDNS is sometimes used by malicious actors, some corporate IT systems block it. This may or may not be relevant to your intended use, but something to bear in mind.