DuckDNS certs

I just installed a new instance of HA and am having a problem getting remote (companion app) working via my DuckDNS setup.

Everything is setup and looks like it should be working but the final step to add the below to configuration.yaml is failing.

ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

is throwing:

Configuration errors

Invalid config for ‘http’ at configuration.yaml, line 14: not a file for dictionary value ‘http->ssl_certificate’, got ‘/ssl/fullchain.pem’ Invalid config for ‘http’ at configuration.yaml, line 15: not a file for dictionary value ‘http->ssl_key’, got ‘/ssl/privkey.pem’

I am not sure what I am missing. I don’t recall having this issue in my previous HA install.

Any ideas on what to try?

I figured out the issue. The token had a space in it so after correcting it, restarting HA all is good now.