Duckdns Config Issue - Newbie Help Please

I have installed the addon DuckDNS

  1. I have pasted the token into the correct box and updated the lets encrypt text but when I add the domain registered to my account from DuckDNS I get this error message

I followed the config instructions carefully but I cant see what I missed

Can someone point me in the right direction please, thanks

Have you added your domain in the configurations tab?

It should be the domain you have just created at DuckDNS website, something like:

Thanks for the reply, yes I added my domain in the domain box but when I click save it removes it and show that error message

Try to see in yaml mode and make sure your domain is listed there.

Something like this:

ok thanks

like this

how stupid :wink:

Your new error message is not related to the let’s encrypt part. Note that you have one letsencrypt session inside another one… Try to fix that by having everything in just one.
Take a look on my yaml and you will be able to fix yours easily.
Please let me know if you still having issues.

Ok thanks for your help I’ll persist!

Sorted thanks, I noticed your domain was added and showed above the actual domain box every time I tried to add my domain it just cleared it as soon as I moved from the domain box, anyway changed from edge to Chrome went into YAML mode and it worked
Thanks for your help!
PS I changed my domain and token School boy error, just need to sort my configuration.yaml out now, that should be fun wasted about 2 hours so far on something basic :wink:

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so final question please

Additionally, you’ll need to configure the Home Assistant Core to pick up the SSL certificates. This is done by setting the following configuration for the [HTTP] integration configuration in your configuration.yaml
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

so I installed File Editor opened the configuration file and added 16 17 18


when I try to restart I get this


failed to

any clues please, thanks

Sorry, I didn’t got the images.

not sure why the images arent appearing this time, i’ll try again

Anyways, this is how my http settings are on configuration.yaml in my case:

  #ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  #ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
  ip_ban_enabled: true
  login_attempts_threshold: 5
  use_x_forwarded_for: true
    - !secret trusted_proxy_1
    - !secret trusted_proxy_2

Note that I’m not using the ssl keys over there, although it was used some time in the past.

Are you using the NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy add-on? I use that to manage the https from outside while keeping http from internal.

Then I have the port 443 opened in my router, redirecting to HA’s IP also to port 443:

It worked now. :+1:

thanks for the reply I think I see what you have done, but I still dont understand when I thought I had followed the instructions I still get the error message ;-(

OK, looks like the certificate files are missing.
Have you started the DuckDNS add-on? Anything on its log? What about Let’s Encrypt add-on?

Haha Spot on what a D%$K forgot to start the addon

Thank you, just seen your from Gothenburg we have just had Hedin over looking at systems

All the best

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Mmmm rebooted HA now cant connect via edge or Chrome HA is definitely running because I have
ha> flashing on my other screen connected to my Dell running HA

Did you set auto start on the addon? Its not on the configuration page, but on the info page.

Can you connect using the external address (the one with duckdns)?