DuckDNS down

As we speak, I too can connect now again…strange :thinking:

Works again, lately it’s down a lot :thinking:

Cloudflare for the win. Plenty of extra cool useful features to play with it, all free. Just need to get your own domain.
And needless to say it’s rock solid and FAST, 10% of the web traffic goes through Cloudflare so you can have an idea of their success.

Faced the same issue a couple of time today, I suspected my raspberry Pi, then now it definitely Duckdns down and it can’t resolve my domain.

I’m interested in this :slight_smile:
How do you link your dynamic IP with a subdomain of yours?

My only guess is using the remote access provided by NabuCasa and an A record, right?
Is there a dynamic DNS way?

Can you point me into the direction on how to use CloudFlare and SSL? I want a stable DNS solution for in the future now that I will experienced this with DuckDNS.

Edit: found it: Add-On: letsdnsocloud - Custom Domain SSL & DDNS

Same here. I would like to know how this is done as well

Hi, same problem in Paris, France :sob:

Hi all, same problem in Thessaloniki, Greece.
since early this morning.
Thought it was my set up cause i was experimenting with adguard, but as it seems is not my fault. :slight_smile:

Found it: Add-On: letsdnsocloud - Custom Domain SSL & DDNS

Check out the letsdnsocloud add-on.

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Re, It’s working again for me ! :smiley:

There’s not much to it, there’s a component to update the Cloudflare DNS records you want:

It updates every hour, but you can create an automation that on state change of your IP entity it will run the update records service. Automations do not get any simpler than that.

Here’s a post I’ve made regarding the setup:

dang. duckdns has been very spotty this week. haven’t decided if i should stick with them and donate to them in the hopes that it is resolved or switch now to another provider like cloudflare

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Duckdns down here too UK london

Also a bit problematic today in Portugal

Its a good thing you are all supposed to be at home, where it won’t matter :slight_smile:

(If any of you are essential workers, all power to you and the world thanks you).

I’m 5400km away from home!

Difficult place to be at present! Hope it all works out, and you are safe and well.

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Antarctica is actually the easiest place in the world to be at the moment. We get isolated for 10 months as part of the job. It’s pretty much business as usual here.

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