DuckDNS + Google Wifi = fail

I’ve read loads of comments on this subject but can’t get any proposed solution to work.

So what I want to achieve is external access to my Home Assistant setup.

Setup is Google Wifi as first device, acting as only router, fiber optic internet so no actual modem, static WAN address.

In Google wifi I’ve forwarded external 443 to internal 8123. HA has static IP set from google wifi. WAN address in Google wifi is correct.

config yaml:

ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

I’ve tried without https and accessing both with :8123 and without (without is preferred though).

Anyone has a clue what could be wrong in the setup? External access is kind of the whole point with this :slight_smile:

Really appreciate if anyone can suggest a solution!

Hi, did you configure port forwarding (port 8123 to your home assistant up address) in your internet router?

Info on remote access:

I hope this is helpful

Hi, yes external 443 to 8123 to my local home assistant address. Timeout after a while is the only result I get…

Also tried 8123 to 8123 with same result.

Don’t know if this even is a clue… when browsing to it’s a timeout after a while, doing the same with it immediately disconnects.

Is there any chance you’re behind a CGNAT?

Could you share your http: configuration (from your configuration.yaml)?

Just to be sure: are you browsing to ? Browsing to won’t work.

Ehm I feel a bit stupid here :slight_smile: I just typed xxxx.duckdns,org:8123 without https, that didn’t work. adding it worked fine. was sure that it would redirect to https…

Is there a way to redirect to https? And, is there a way to skip the port in the URL?

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The Bestlibre NGINX addon in Hassio can redirect http to https.

use tor instead of duckdns.