DuckDNS, HA and Unraid issue

Hi all,

I am facing quite big issues in setting up DuckDNS. Most probably it’s because I am using a HA instance via Unraid.

When updating the configuration.yaml file, as for DuckDNS documentation I set:

  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

Unfortunately, this seems not to be the correct path. I found out that the certificates have been generated both in /root/ssl in HA instance and in the Supervisor instance in /data/ssl…

I tried to set bot of the path in the configuration.yaml file, but when restarting HA it never boots. Logs show the following error:

Same for all the other path. And as you can see below, the certificates seems to be there :frowning:

/ssl # ls
fullchain.pem privkey.pem ssl
/ssl # pwd
/ssl #

Anyone has an idea of what can be the issue?

Thanks for the help!!