DuckDNS http ssl error

Good afternoon,

I needed help… I’m here tired of going around because of DuckDNS and I can’t configure it…

In HA give me this error:

In configuration.yaml I have this:

Why do I have this error?

If I go to the server’s ssl folder, shouldn’t I have the fullchain.pem and privkey.pem files there?
It’s just that I have nothing there in the folder… :confused:

(p .: the router has port forward 8123> 8123)

How did you create the SSL certificates?

No… :open_mouth:
How I do?

Thanks brother! :pray:

What kind of install are you using? Do you have supervisor and add-ons?

I’m using Ubuntu Server on a virtual machine on my old Mac.

HA Supervised 0.118.4.
Add-ons, I have Samba, File Editor and DuckDNS.
I have too Hacs, for SonOff LAN.

Can you please show the config for the duckdns add-on

When you start the DuckDNS, did you check the its log? Did it said something like creating certificates…

You also need to forward port 443 -> 8123 and then access HA with

Ok, I already did this. But nothing happens

No, I dont see nothing…
Is it better to uninstall DuckDNS, and reinstall it again?

Probably wort a try to reinstall it. If you don’t see anything in the DuckDNS add-on log, then the certificatea have not beem generated and that’s also why you get the error in your config because the certs don’t exist.

I uninstalled it, but now I can’t install it again due to the error of being in an unhealthy environment … I’m going to do the Debian Installation and see if solve this things :kissing_closed_eyes: