Duckdns is down

I cannot access my instance and main page

We last detected an outage for Duck DNS on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 with a duration of about 33 minutes.

Hopefully recovering

Update: 17th October 2023 17:00 UTC - it seems to be coming back again


Youā€™re not alone ā€¦

Ahhhh thought I was losing my mind

Intermittently up earlier but down at the moment.

Duckdns reliabilty is going down hill really fast lately

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Get a proper router with unbound resolver, or set up one outside the router, and never have that issue again.

Been having similar issues since yesterday - lots of failed connections with Google assistant.

Home assistant works fine locally, but it seems the DuckDNS is either very slow or not responding, causing the link to Google voice assistant and home app unreliable/not working.

I see from other posts from prior DuckDNS service issues, that a cloud flare tunnel would be a good solution.

Iā€™m running HA Core on an inroad docker though, and have as yet not figured out how to set this upā€¦ hoping to get this sorted over the coming days.

Any other suggestions would be welcome!

As a relative newbie to all this, any guides/walkthroughs that could help me & likely others to set this up?

Well I use pfSense which has unbound resolver built-in.

But Iā€™m sure with google if you look like ā€œthin client unbound resolverā€ or maybe even ā€œrasp unbound resolverā€ youā€™ll find plenty of guides.
As a personal suggestion, and this is very me, Iā€™d set it up on FreeBSD. (far lighter than linux for this specific task)

Damn! Iā€™ve also been going crazy for a couple of days with Google Assistant, I had just finished the configurations and everything was working correctly, after a few hours nothing worked anymore! Iā€™ve done dozens of tests, projectsā€¦ nothingā€¦ I have Google Assistant disconnected from HA.

Following the initial link would give an idea of overall situation.

Duckdns is a dynamic dns service, not a dns server or resolver.
How would unbound solve anything?



unbound resolver queries the dns authoritative servers by itself, it does the same as other resolvers, except you donā€™t have to rely on a man in the middle, you go directly to the DNS authoritative servers.

After you have a working setup you can even use something like DNS Benchmark to see how faster your local resolver performs over external 3rd parties.

You understand that a dynamic dns service is to help point a fixed domain name to a dynamic (non static) ip address of your home?

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You still donā€™t explain how unbound in the local network can bind a dynamic IP to a public known domain name.

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Letā€™s go back to topic of this post and split the unbound dns discussion even though it is very interesting to learn. Anyone had heard anything from duckdns about the incident? Their Twitter account is dead silent and nothing on their website

This shows when the DuckDNS DNS servers are down, which is happening quite frequently over past 24-48hrs

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Iā€™ve bailed out from duckdns now, switched to aka
My certificates are now handled using the HA add on ā€˜NGINX proxy managerā€™.
This was better anyway, because I control my own domain name. I set the CNAME of subdomain for example to
port 443 is forwarded to NGINX proxy manager
NGINX proxy manager then can forward the user to the appropriate service based on the subdomain used. So if i use, it forwards to
if I access through another domain it can go to various other stuff in the house
nginx proxy manager can also automatically manage letsencrypt certificates


sorry I donā€™t explain there how i get to update. Thereā€™s probably a few ways but I use it on my edgerouter. You could use any ddns that is built into your router too e.g. asus routers can do
You also need your own subdomain and 443 and 80 need to be forwarded to nginx proxy manager for it to work. So not a solution for everyone and not as easy as the duckdns add on


Iā€™m getting Google Assistant/Home issues again, appears to be a couple of DuckDNS servers loosing connection occasionally.

Will be trying to migrate away from DuckDNS to router based DDNS over next couple of days, fingers crossed this solves the inconsistencies.