DuckDNS manual installation only


I’m kinda new to HA so forgive me if my question is stupid.

I run HA on raspberry pi through docker.

I want to enable speech to text so that I can send voice command using my android phone. After a lot of research I installed whisper and now I need to enable HTTPS so that the microphone can be used in Assist.

When I try to install DuckDNS I have to install it manually, apparently. When I search about it online, everything I find tells me the installation is done through the UI, with a lot of configuration possible.
However I only have this :

Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 08.27.16

So I tried to follow the manual installation anyway and I added this to my configuration.yaml file

  domain: xxx
  access_token: xxx-xxx-xxx

Then I restarted HA, but I dont see DuckDNS anywhere and I have no idea how I can enable SSL

Thanks a ton in advance

DuckDNS just gives you a hostname that resolves to your WAN IP.

You still need to:

  1. Get SSL certs
  2. Configure HA to use them
  3. Set up port forwarding in your router

This guide covers all of that.

I see everywhere that the DuckDNS add on should handle the let’s encrypt process.

My question is why can’t I install the DuckDNS add on from the UI ?
And why isn’t it being installed even though I added it in configuration.yaml ?

But you don’t have the add-on

Because you don’t use Home Assistant OS.

To get add-ons, use HAOS. With any other install method you can run software anyway, so there’s no need for add-ons.

There’s Docker images for LetsEncrypt, DuckDNS updating, and more.

Personally I use Traefik for all my remote access + SSL cert needs.

Ok makes sense, I’ll install things manually in separate containers then

thanks !