Duckdns - missing SSL files

Beginner at HassIO and trying to setup Duckdns for remote access and as everyone else I’m following the guide from Juan M Tech (

It all works pretty good but I don’t get any files in my “/SSL” directory, it’s completely empty which also causes this code to generate errors:

  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

Not really sure where to start debugging or what information you need, but should the SSL files above be created automatically or should I have added them myself?

Duckdns config:

  accept_terms: true
  certfile: fullchain.pem
  keyfile: privkey.pem
seconds: 300

Did you change accept_terms to true in the duckdns add-on config? Also check the add-on log for errors

Yes I have, I think I have done what is needed and I have tried to reinstall several times. So whatever misstake I’m doing I keep repeating :slight_smile:

I updated the original post with the config for Duckdns. Do you see anything that is wrong? Shoud the files be added in the /SSL folder automatically? Are they generated based on the token or can I download a set of files from somewhere?

So after some restarts and reinstalls I got it to work. Only question is how do I access it locally now? Should I simply use the since hassio.local:8123 isn’t working anymore?

What IP addres should I enter in the app? The Duckdns address or something else?

I have the same problem, i haven’t files in ssl folder. Could you explain the solution please ?

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I have the same problem, i haven’t files in ssl folder.

solved it by adding algo:

  accept_terms: true
  certfile: fullchain.pem
  keyfile: privkey.pem
  algo: secp384r1

This is a really stupid thing, but thought i’d share in case anyone else has this happen. When I pasted in the token from, it copied with some whitespace at the front of it. Removing this and restarting duckdns, ssl files got generated soon after.


Great spot, I also got a space character before the token. Removed it, restarted duckdns, restarted ha, still can’t get the webhook to work, can’t see an ssl directory in file editor either…