Hey there
I have had HA setup and working for severals years now but now I have changed my router from Asus to PFSense and now I have a problem. I know I probably should be in PfSense-forum and I also posted there.
I have Home Assistant with the addons DuckDNS and NGINX installed. Worked perfectly on Asus router, but not on PfSense. So problably a setting in PfSense but I am stumped.
With IP-adress directly to HA it works.
With mobildata I can access HA, but on my WiFi I cant. So something is not routed as it should.
I have made the same portforward rule as in Asus:
and also set host override options: (after searching for a solution for a couple of hours)
when I enter my duckdns-adress to homeassistant, I momentarily get to this:
but it get replaced in a few seconds by this:
It seem like it wants to connect and is trying but dont get any respons.
Since I just started to work with PfSense its problably just a setting that I have overlooked. Perhaps we have som good PfSense and HA-guys out there.
Plz help!