DuckDNS not working

Hi People, I am having troubles with DuckDNS and would appreciate any assistance! Basically, previously my HA server was plugged straight into my ISP’s router/hub and DuckDNS was working perfectly fine. However, as WIFI on ISP’s hub was quite bad and was lacking resources to handle my 30+ devices, I have added a separate powerful WIFI router, plugged into the ISP’s router through WLAN. Since then, my HA server is plugged into this second router, and while everything else is working fine, DuckDNS stopped working completely. I suspect it might be something to do with port forwarding but can’t figure out what exactly. Anyone had any similar issues? Thanks in advance!

Leave HA plugged in to the ISP router.

When you forward the ports on your old router do you have it forwarded to the correct IP address of the HA server?

Maybe the IP address of the HA server changed.