DuckDNS only ipv6

I configured my Hassio with ipv6.

I installed duckdns but it only updates the ipv4-address and not the ipv6.
I found this addon:
GitHub - lfhohmann/ha-duckdns_ipv4_ipv6: A Home Assistant custom component to update both IPV4 and IPV6 addresses on DuckDNS
…but its not possible to add the Github repository “Invalid Add-on repository!”

How can update only the ipv6 or which addon should I use?

Thank you for your help!

I found this link:
I registered an dynu-account and when I type in my credentials it shows my current ipv6 and paste it into dynu. How can I automatically open the link on the Hassio (for my hassio ipv6-address)? I tested it with “browser.browse_url” under the automations but nothing happens.

Thank you for help!