I opened the port in the Huawei B525s-23a modem and set that IP address in DuckDNS, and now when I start the DuckDNS url https://matijahome.duckdns.org/ as configured in DuckDNS, it does not open HA but it opens the page from my modem, and when I enter in the search engine, it opens HA, I made a mistake somewhere, can you help?
You have the DuckDNS pointing to your ISP’s IP address, but without any reference to your Home Assistant IP it’s only taking you to the modem. So you need to set up a port forward rule in your router that points external port 443 (https) to internal port 8123. The alternative is to point the mobile app to the DuckDNS URL and also manually specify the port: https://matijahome.duckdns.org:8123/
Thanks for the help, I managed to connect to the DuckDNS link, but when I log in to HA, it says “unable to connect to Home Assistant” and when I try to connect to the link via mobile phone, it doesn’t want to connect, it throws an error.