Hello everyone hope everything fine, for me I have a problem with the duckdns I follow all the instruccions of the page to add this add on with the lets encrypt add on too, and I guess that I miss something cuz now I am able to connect from outside my network using myduckdns.org but I am not able to connect to the hassio if I am connected in my network did someone knows what could I do wrong?
Maybe your router does not support loopback or its not active
Thanks I think that is beacuase of that i was reading a lot and everything point to that but I couldnt find where and how to enable it or if the router support it is a Hawei HG532e so I am trying to contact my internet provider to ask them
An easy solution to this is to add a host record on your local machine. Resolve locally instead of hairpinning via your public ip
On windows edit /windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts and add and new line like this, hassio
replacing the ip address with your “local” hassio IP and change hassio if your hostname is different.
For me this is like this myhassiopi.duckxxdns.org
(not quite my realdomain) but you get the idea
On linux, ubuntu, file is /etc/hosts
Mac from memory /etc/private/hosts
Hope this helps
Note, you need to remove this if you want to access domain from external location.
Install the dnsmasq add-on to hass.io with the following options:
"defaults": [
"forwards": [],
"hosts": [
"host": "YOURS.duckdns.org",
This forwards internal network requests. Works with my iPhone connected to my WIFI.
This does not affect external network requests.
I tried the dnsmasq exactly as you posted wit my home.duckdns.org and the ip of the raspberry but nothing, I tried including the https:// in the host or the :8123 of the raspberry ip but still can´t connect from my network =(
Because its https change your router to forward external (WAN) port 443 to internal (LAN) port 8123 for the IP address address of your HA server. ie Raspberry PI This for external access. I use the iOS App on my iPhone.
For internal access (Safari on my iPhone connected to my WIFI) I use:
For internal access using Chrome on my Windows 10 PC I use:
(Use Advanced setting to get around the Chrome security warning)
This is what I had to do coming from a Hassbian experience. Kind of Ugly.
The new Duck DNS Add-on says that all you need to do is forward 8123 to 8123. I don’t get it?
Yes I can access internal in my pc using chrome using https:/MY_IP_ADDRESS:8123/states but for my iphone I cant access using that and I didnt try in the way you say you enter with your iphone so I will try it, but the thing for me is that becuase the things that are in my network cant comunicate with the duckdns my duckdns is not getting the changing IP of my router automatically and my homebridge (for using siri ) only works when I am on my network connected I already make the changes in the config.json changing the url to the duckdns but the hombridge never find the devices so its headache not make it work =(! and my internet provider has really a bad support they dont know anything about nat loopback so they can´t tell me if the router has it or not or if they have a router that has that!
but I will still trying till a make it work =D hope dies last!
I have made some improvements since last post.
base_url: xxxxx.duckdns.org:8123
to configuration.yaml -
Port forward 8123 to 8123 on my router
(no longer need. 443)
now I can use the same url
for both internal and external access
My router, like most home routers, does not have NAT loopback so you must get the dnsmasq add-on working with setup described above. With Hassbian I was able to test dns with
ping xxxxx.duckdns.org
Unfortunately, hassio does not allow ping commands.
Good Luck
Ok =) thanks I will try to do that hopefully it will be the solution of my problem I will tell you if it works for me!
Hi all! I’m a total n00b when it comes to HA and DNS stuff. I’ve been a long time SmartThings user.
Anyway, I’m running Hassio on a rPi and all is easily accessible on my network with :8123. I set up DuckDNS, and installed the add-on. Set agreement to true, input the token and the URL in the add-on screen. I also input the fields into the config.yaml as per the instructions above.
Now when I’m on my local network I have to input httpsL=://:8123 to be able to access my frontend. My URL.duckdns.org:8123 does not work at all, and I’m unable to connect remotely.
Wtf am I doing wrong?
I have the same problem.
I follow all the instructions in hassio 0.57.3.
I can connect with https://[local_ip || hassio.local]:8123 without problems, but outside of my network is impossible.
If I do a ping to myduck.duckdns.org it responds, and I forward the port 8123 to my raspberri with HA
In configuration.yaml i’m using:
base_url: xxxxx.duckdns.org:8123
but i tested adding https as a prefix without luck
My router, like most home routers, does not have NAT loopback so I installed and configured the dnsmasq add-on working with setup described by @GrahamS
Even I tried to forward the traffic from 443 port to the port 8123 in my HA without luck too.
I don’t know how to continue
ok… it seems i found the problem (i couldn’t test it but it makes sense).
My ISP included me in CG-NAT so, it doesn’t matter if i open ports in my router. the ip from my router and my public ip are different and the public ip has all ports closed…
I requested my ISP to exclude me in CG-NAT and theoretically in 24hours should be out (it is a free service).
@acdown87 check if it you have the same problem. You can check it comparing your public IP (you can get it in a lot of different webs as http://www.whatsmyip.org/ ) with the ip that you have assigned in your wan. If they are different, BANG, you need to call your ISP and request to exclude you from CG-NAT.
OK, I found my public IP. And my WAN IP is the one that I use to connect to Hass.io? To make sure I understand correctly. I.e :8123?
If so… they are different!! So I might need to go ahead and call my ISP.
The public IP is the one you use in duckdns and you get when visit the previous URL.
The one you use to connect n local is s a local IP (196…). It isn’t.
You need to look an IP in the configuration of your router. The place depends on the router. What router do you have?
In my router settings, the WAN IP is the same as my Public IP.
Then, you have another problem. Did you forward the port 8123 from wan connection to your hassio local IP?.
You can check if that port is real opened with several online webs. If it is closed, you need to open it. If it is opened but appears as closed, you could try to enable the DMZ Host with yout hassio local IP. This way you are opening all ports for that local ip, but I read someone saying that it was the one way to open the path to his hassio server.
I’m currently waiting for my ISP take me out from GC-Nat. They said it takes 24-72 hours so… maybe on monday.
Well, this is what I seem to be having issues with. Previously, it’s been easy to forward ports. Log into the router, locate port forwarding settings, type in the port and bam, done! But now I have the Google WiFi mesh system, and it’s odd…so I go into port fowarding on the app, and I have to select an IP address before I can add any ports to edit——thing is, there’s only one IP address listed… a quick scan with Angry IP Scanner shows that this isn’t connected to any particular device (my hassio.lan is on IP.147).
So I don’t really know what to do next… if you’re familiar with the Google WiFi mesh units, any belp would be appreciated!
Ok I got the port open and it shows as open on my public IP but a scanner looking at my local IP:8123 still shows the port as closed
Maybe you need:
- or configure an static ip on machines where you want to do port forwarding,
- or the only IPs that you can use for port forwarding are static ips.Try to configure an static IP on the hassio machine (instead of DHCP).
Try to find some option on Google mesh wifi app to assign always the same local ip to the hassio machine.
i extracted that info from: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/googlewifi/QXViBrugtNc;context-place=topicsearchin/googlewifi/category$3AWifi|sort:relevance|spell:false