DuckDNS remote access stopped working a week ago

Hi folks,

I’ve seen similar types of issues posted, but none of the solutions have worked for me and I was hoping I could get some help in what to troubleshoot.

My HA install had been stable for a couple of months when suddenly my SmartThings integration stopped working. When I tried removing and readding it, I quickly realized it was actually my remote access via base_url that was the problem.

I haven’t changed anything, but I can’t seem to use that anymore. I’ve tried recreating the add steps that got it working in the first place, and regenerating my Lets Encrypt certs, but no joy.

The HA instance can still see the web because my iOS notifications still come through, but I can’t remote in (and thus SmartThings can’t send me anything via base_url either).

Clearing cookies didn’t help, internal access still works fine.

Any suggestions GRATEFULLY appreciated.

It would help if you posted the HTTP section of your configuration.yaml file here. Obviously, obscure your URL with some value like ‘’.

For sure:

  ip_ban_enabled: True
  login_attempts_threshold: 5
  use_x_forwarded_for: true

Add the port number after your base_url value, or in a separate line as a server_port value.



  server_port: 8123

No joy, sadly. Tried both options. Still

Has your certificate expired?

Have you tried
nslookup or
ping ?

Both should return your public ip address.
Or you can try to access your HA install through your public IP. (like this http://xxx.yyy.zzz:8123. Note the http and not https)
Visit from within your home network, that should tell your public ip.


No it hadn’t and recerting didn’t help. Fixed with sol’n below though

It didn’t and that was one of my indicators that something was broken.

Managed to get things working again by installing NGINX. Not sure why I didn’t need it before and now do, but not going to argue too much.

EDIT: Didn’t read that you already had fixed it with installing NGINX. When I think of it, If your IP was banned, you probably would have a 403 error message.

Is there a IP address banned in you yaml file:

If so remove the ip address, save and reboot.

No worries, all good.

IP bans was actually the first place I checked, since I’d had some issues there in the past. Nothing there. When the IP is banned it actually gives a forbidden response message on the iOS app, and this was returning an SSL issue error.

Since I was in there I took the opportunity to update some things that weren’t current, and move some things local that weren’t before (Hue motion to Conbee etc), so it wasn’t entirely a wasted exercise, but I’m still annoyed that I don’t know what changed.

Also, my SmartThings motion sensors are now kicking off randomly, which they never used to do. Oh well.

I also loos connections sometimes, because I use a sub net with two routers and port forwarding.

If any one else have sub net and experience issues with duckdns conneciton and ssl.

My solution is then to restart my first ruter, then my secondary ruter and then

My sympathies. I restarted all my components with no resolution.