Hi folks,
I’m a new Home Assistant user, and getting a bit lost in the setup steps. I’ve found slightly similar help threads, but nothing has quite cracked it for me yet.
I’ve gone through and setup DuckDNS, and externally I can access everything I need to.
Internally, when I go to https://localip:8123/ I can get in, but I get a warning saying that it’s not secure because (I understand) of the port forwarding rules (local ip doesn’t match duckdns signature details). I can ignore the warning on a browser, but the iOS Home Assistant app doesn’t let me do that.
As a result, I’m a bit stuck internally. I can use the iOS app externally (tether iPad to phone and use cell etc), but I can’t figure out the config from when I’m on wifi at home.
I also understand that DNS forwarding may be an option, but my current router doesn’t seem to support that.
Any kind soul able to help? I’m a programmer by trade, but hardware and networking config are NOT my strong suit.