Duckdns SSL Challenge is invalid!

I’ve tried configuring duckdns with SSL as per the guide addons/duckdns/ at master · home-assistant/addons · GitHub

I have port forwarded 443 to 8312

I can access but not (ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR)

is this correct?



INFO: Using main config file /data/workdir/config

  • Generating account key…
  • Registering account key with ACME server…
  • Fetching account ID…
  • Done!
    [00:26:47] INFO: OK
    “public ip”

INFO: Using main config file /data/workdir/config

  • Creating chain cache directory /data/workdir/chains
  • Creating new directory /data/letsencrypt/ …
  • Signing domains…
  • Generating private key…
  • Generating signing request…
  • Requesting new certificate order from CA…
  • Received 1 authorizations URLs from the CA
  • Handling authorization for
  • 1 pending challenge(s)
  • Deploying challenge tokens…
    OK + Responding to challenge for authorization…
  • Challenge is valid!
  • Cleaning challenge tokens…
    OK + Requesting certificate…

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Sorry, what has ssh got to do with this ?

That looks ok to me.
Do you have a base_url configured under http: ?
(it should be https://domain)

You missed a bit - see further down that page

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Thanks! You’re right I had missed that.

my duckdns config now looks like this;


now I get an error in the log;

INFO: Using main config file /data/workdir/config

  • Account already registered!
    [13:39:22] INFO: KO

INFO: Using main config file /data/workdir/config

Processing with alternative names: *

  • Signing domains…
  • Generating private key…
  • Generating signing request…
  • Requesting new certificate order from CA…
  • Received 2 authorizations URLs from the CA
  • Handling authorization for
  • Handling authorization for
  • 2 pending challenge(s)
  • Deploying challenge tokens…
    OKOK + Responding to challenge for authorization…
  • Cleaning challenge tokens…
    OKOK + Challenge validation has failed :frowning:
    ERROR: Challenge is invalid! (returned: invalid) (result: {
    “type”: “dns-01”,
    “status”: “invalid”,
    “error”: {
    “type”: “urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized”,
    “detail”: “Incorrect TXT record "_zXPaSSzGuW1t6D8dfO642ryPOB_Kb0KpAPNZu70lXA" found at”,
    “status”: 403
    “url”: “”,
    “token”: “vxJWpm8TPoEf2VpPUuMGJeGNOdZ4fceS7vqI89U-4RQ”

I’ve also noticed the \hassio\ssl folder is empty. Shouldn’t this have the fullchain.pem and privkey.pem files in it?

Ok. Got past that issue.

I think there was a error in configuration.yaml. I had a different problem of not being able to update HA to to the latest version. Clearing configuration.yaml allowed the update to run.

So I started again, reinstalled duckdns and re-entered the config.

The log in duckdns now looks correct…

  • Challenge is valid!
  • Cleaning challenge tokens…
    OK + Requesting certificate…
  • Checking certificate…
  • Done!
  • Creating fullchain.pem…
  • Done!

But I still can’t access from

I’m forwarding the local 8213 port to 443

Your base URL is telling ha that it’s on port 8123, yet you’re trying to use port 443. Remove the :8123 from your HA config

Seems to be working now… just required a full restart.

I still have the 8123 port in http;

  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

I can only connect on -, http or 8123 on the public url doesnt work. (which is correct I think). I can also connect locally on but I get a warning that the site isnt secure. doesn’t work.

Because you told HA to only listen on SSL.

You don’t have port 8123 open externally so that’s fine. What I’m saying is that your base_url is wrong. I don’t know how else to say it, but remove the 8123 off of it. You’re not using it.

Correct. This is working as it should then.

Thanks, removed :slight_smile:

  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

How did you fix this? I’m stuck in the same place. I seem to recall using certbot last time but i’m not sure.

Thanks :slight_smile: