I’m new to HA and trying to set up DuckDNS/SSL. I used this guide from 2017: https://www.splitbrain.org/blog/2017-08/10-homeassistant_duckdns_letsencrypt
I got through all of the steps just fine but when I navigated to myhome.duckdns.org:8123 it didn’t work:
This site can’t be reached. myhome.duckdns.org refused to connect.
I then redid it by removing the dehydrated folder and using the script:
sudo hassbian-config install duckdns to redo it.
Same problem.
I have no errors in the home-assistant.log, and I can access it through https://hassbian.local:8123 but not through duckdns.
I verified that I have a port forward in my router forwarding 8123 to my local ip’s 8123.
Is there any way I can figure out what’s going on?
In my config.yaml I didn’t know what “api_password” is so I just left it out. Otherwise i copied it exactly:
ssl_certificate: /home/homeassistant/dehydrated/certs/myhome.duckdns.org/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /home/homeassistant/dehydrated/certs/myhome.duckdns.org/privkey.pem
base_url: myhome.duckdns.org:8123