DuckDNS wont work outside of network

Duckdns simply updates a public DNS record. When you browse to it is really going to the IP address that comes from that DNS record.

If you use your mobile phone (disconnect from your wireless) and go to the ip address shown by in a browser with port :8123 does it load?

No, will not load that way internally or externally

What ports is your router listening on? It might be that the web UI of your router is listening on 443 on your external connection.

I would try forward port 8123 to 8123 and then try to connect to ip:8123 externally. I think you had 443 redirecting to 8123 in the end.

Removed the 443 to 8123
Added back 8123 to 8123

Still cant connect going home-isp-ip:8123

and it definitely works going to the internal IP of your HA server on port 8123?

I can’t connect to anything now after removing the 443-8123

After setting up duckdns I never could go direct to the internal IP anymore, it was the duckdns full Https URL which worked internally.

You will need to remove the base_url from your configuration while testing.

you can use the HTTPS://IP.ADDRESS:8123 locally. You will get a warning but it will work

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Yes, that does work actually once I go through advanced and continue anyway.

What about the site name that is specified in DuckDNS settings ? Wont that be a factor when testing on different addresses?

Any other way to resolve this issue?

A certificate is only given to “hostnames”. is an example. An IP address does not have a certificate associated with it.

LOCAL access may require your local IP if something changed in your modem/router

Is there any other way to do this?

your base_url is being defined as http, yet you are using https…

I was originally focusing on getting the http version working first but have since switched everything to https, still has the same issue.
I can access it internally but not externally.

When you set the SSL certificate in the config yaml, your HA is ONLY available via https…

Have you verified the port is open from an external source?

My config.yaml currently has:

ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

What is the best way to do that?

Scan it with this:

Select, Shields Up / Proceed / Common Ports (silver menu below the big orange button) - if you are using port 443. Otherwise fill in port 8123 in the text box.

You can do it from your PC. Does not have to be from HA as we are testing your router’s ports.

It just says STEALTH for port 443, doesnt say whether they are open or closed…?
Doesnt change after I open or close it on the router…
If I forward port 8123-8123 it says CLOSED and when I cancel the forwarding it says STEALTH, is that correct?


Not good. Port should be open, not stealth (no reply) or closed.

OK, what can I do now?
I have a HG569 modem, if I do a factory reset will that loose my isp setup?