I want to use glance cards as navigation menus. To achieve this require entities to be created . I am using an input boolean entity , but this is messy . Double click reveals a switch.
Could we have single blank entity that does nothing, but in lovelace I can add it to cards that support navigation actions and icons . This would be much simpler and cleaner than creating input boolean
The above is for one icon to navigate to another view. It would be much simpler with a dummy entity icon . Then I would not have to code for double tap and hold and hide state. It gets a little long winded.
It seems a simple change . It would also allow for a momentary switch in Lovelace as you can also call a service rather than navigate action.
No the idea is the blank entity or icon has no secondary info or state so that will not need to suppressed
so I save 5 lines and an input boolean I don’t have to define. I have a Glance card with 12 icons that’s 60 lines
Yes, the script doesn’t need to have it’s state suppressed. Scripts are stateless when you don’t have a delay. You don’t need any of that extra secondary info, i’m not sure why you’re adding it… It would only be the bare minimum required per entity in a glace is:
Both script and input_boolean have a secondary popup screen that need to be suppressed in lovelove if you double tap or hold the icon, hence the extra lines to suppress hold and double tap
Using a script or any entity as a dummy is a good workaround and works fine . It just a “cludge” and just looks odd, as I said not the end of world , but the proposed code does look neater , like your idea of just using the icon: instead of entity: