Dummy notification service?

The latest version of Uptime Kuma has added the ability to send a notification directly to home assistant. You specify a notification service and Uptime Kuma triggers a notification to that service. You can then use Event triggers to run an action based on that notification happening.

The problem I have is that this causes a notification, even though I just want to run the automation.

Is there a way of creating a dummy notification service that I can use with Uptime Kuma that doesn’t actually do anything - I just want to use it for automations.

Here’s the example from Uptime Kuma itself:

Trigger type: Event
Event type: call_service
Event data:

domain: notify
service: mobile_app_my_phone # change to your device name
  title: Uptime Kuma
    status: 0 # 0=down 1=up
    # name: Optional Uptime Kuma Monitor Name to filter by
Then choose an action, for example switch the scene to where an RGB light is red.

If you install the HA integration it should expose each sensor as an entity that can then be used without the need to send a notification.

Thanks - I didn’t know there was an integration!
I’m having trouble adding it as a custom repo in HACS, but I’ll take that up elsewhere - thanks.

Check out this hack, you may be able to use it to create a notifier to use as a target for your Uptime Kuma.