I use Duplicacy for my backups using the CLI. I wanted a method to monitor my backups across multiple machines, and also to get alerts for issues or if backups aren’t running. Thankfully the log output for Duplicacy is very thorough and makes it easy to capture that.
I’ve created a script that will stop any provided docker containers, run the backup cli, parse the output, publish progress and final stats over MQTT, then restart the docker containers. It’s also protected with a lockfile in the duplicacy repo directory so that a new run won’t start if one is already running on the same backup repo.
It’s on github here GitHub - CodingSquirrel/ha-duplicacy
I just got it working so it’s a bit rough, but I wanted to share in case anyone else uses Duplicacy and finds it useful. There are likely still some issues and it could use some more testing, so if you try it and find any please let me know.