Duplicate (..._2) entries , native api component and related issues

Greetings all. I am still a noob at HA, YAML, JSON, etc. Am trying to get basic system running with the components I need like Insteon MQTT bridge, ESPHome for ESP32 modules using only Native API, and 1-wire via host adapter. Have Hass.io 0.99.3 running on an ARM H5 based board. I have done extensive reading on all related to the components of interest and my head is spinning so please extend some mercy if I missed a clear answer posted or in docs. I have bolded 3 questions a bit farther down and the bulk of the .yaml etc is after.

I have some messages and items popping up that are related to my early efforts to get ESPHome working that I want to clean up. Entries when I go to integrations and open the ESP32 node with the …_2 and errors like :

Platform error light.monochromatic - Integration monochromatic not found.
Platform error light.binary - Integration binary not found.

when I check config.

These entries like this show up in integrations as entity Ids for devices that are working:


The overview page shows the devices named as set in the configuration.yaml file shown farther down.

I am not certain if I ever had MQTT in the picture for ESPH and at least for the moment I want to use the native API for ESPH comms.

As part of setting up ESPH, I named and configured 4 nodes for OTA programming in part to confirm I had a basic understanding of the process and that it was repeatable. Only one is active until I am more familiar with all related and have a clean core system. The others have configurations that are intended to be nothing more than place holders. I would like to avoid having to connect them via USB to reload.

Since I found reference to the …_2 issue here: Native API Component — ESPHome I thought this might help solve the problem but no. I am left with questions:

When the ESPH directions state:

In your ESPHome configuration! Not HA config!

1. Is this a file common to all nodes or is it the .yaml file specific to each ESPH node? There is no indication that I need to do ‘something’ for each ESPH node that I want to move from MQTT to the native API. I looked for a common file and didn’t find any that looked like good candidates.

2. My core.entity_registry is very small at the moment. Can I stop HA, copy/backup file, then simply edit the entity id to remove the [ …_2 ] and finally restart HA? More steps? There are no duplicates of the entity names (without _2) in the registry.

3. What have I missed (done wrong) that is causing the platform error on check config? The referenced devices are controllable from the overview page…


  - platform: monochromatic
    name: "FamRmTrayInnerWW"
    id: id_famrmtrayinner_ww

  - platform: monochromatic
    name: "FamRmTrayInnerCW"
    id: id_famrmtrayinner_cw

  - platform: monochromatic
    name: "FamRmTrayOuterCW"
    id: id_famrmtrayouter_cw

  - platform: monochromatic
    name: "FamRmTrayOuterWW"
    id: id_famrmtrayouter_ww

  - platform: binary
    name: "Stairwell Night Light"
    id: id_stairwell_night_light
  name: test_esp32_wroom
  platform: ESP32
  board: esp32dev


# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API


  - platform: monochromatic
    name: "FamRmTrayInnerWW"
    id: id_famrmtrayinner_ww
    output: gpio_17
  - platform: monochromatic
    name: "FamRmTrayInnerCW"
    id: id_famrmtrayinner_cw
    output: gpio_16
  - platform: monochromatic
    name: "FamRmTrayOuterWW"
    id: id_famrmtrayouter_ww
    output: gpio_19

  - platform: monochromatic
    name: "FamRmTrayOuterCW"
    id: id_famrmtrayouter_cw
    output: gpio_18
  - platform: binary
    name: "Stairwell Night Light"
    id: id_stairwell_night_light
    output: gpio_13
  - platform: ledc
    pin: GPIO16
    id: gpio_16
    channel: 0
    frequency: 30000
    inverted: False    
    power_supply: power_supply1
  - platform: ledc
    pin: GPIO17
    id: gpio_17
    channel: 1
    frequency: 30000
    inverted: False    
    power_supply: power_supply2
  - platform: ledc
    pin: GPIO18
    id: gpio_18
    power_supply: power_supply3
  - platform: ledc
    pin: GPIO19
    id: gpio_19
    power_supply: power_supply4

  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO13
    id: gpio_13
    inverted: True
#    frequency: 1000

  - id: 'power_supply1'
    keep_on_time: 0s
    pin: 25
  - id: 'power_supply2'
    keep_on_time: 100ms
    pin: 26

  - id: 'power_supply3'
    keep_on_time: 200ms
    pin: 32  
  - id: 'power_supply4'
    keep_on_time: 300ms
    pin: 33

  - platform: gpio
#    device_class: none
      number: GPIO34
      mode: INPUT
    id: gpio_34
    name: "ESP_test Input34"
            light.is_off: id_famrmtrayinner_ww  
      # Same syntax for is_off
            - light.turn_on:
                id: id_famrmtrayinner_ww
                brightness: 100%
            - light.turn_off:
                id: id_famrmtrayinner_ww

Thanks for your help.