Hey there,
I’ve currently updated my Home Assistant from 0.9.x to the latest available. Since then I’m having many of my Devices (like my iPhone and Desktop PC) twice or three times in my devices list.
I’m using the “AVM FRITZ!Box Tools” Integration to discover Devices inside my network and I’ve already deleted the “known_devices.yaml” to somehow reset all devices.
What this can be? Before i go on configuring my Home Assistant, I’d like to have a nice and clean ui without confusing duplicates of devices.
Thanks in advance for any hints
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(P Tenz)
January 12, 2023, 6:42pm
Hi Julian,
unfortunately I don’t have the solution to your problem. But I am interested if you find one … so please let me know.
April 3, 2024, 12:07pm
I too would like to know how to solve this problem. I wish they would make it to use the mac number and verify that it’s the same device be able to disable other occurrences of the same device.
November 23, 2024, 11:57am
Just for reference: There’s also a GitHub issue for that. It seems it was resolved by removing the integration and setting up anew completely.
opened 12:06PM - 04 Apr 24 UTC
closed 08:05PM - 25 Apr 24 UTC
integration: fritz
### The problem
The integration creates 2 or more devices with the same name fo… r the Fritzbox itself. Immediately after resetting the integration, two “Fritz!box 7530” devices are available, with different entities being displayed in both devices. Initially only the "connected devices" are displayed in one device, with all the controls for e.g. wifi, restart, etc. in the second device. Later, all entities appear to appear in one of the two devices. I have already tried to deactivate the device, which then remains without entities, but it has also happened that the entities then "jump" into this device and are therefore also deactivated. I currently have 3 devices again, one with no entities, one with the device tracker (of itself?) and the "configuration" controls (cleanup, restart, etc.) and one device with all other information (download speed, etc.)

### What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?
### What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core?
_No response_
### What type of installation are you running?
Home Assistant OS
### Integration causing the issue
AVM Fritz!Box Tools
### Link to integration documentation on our website
### Diagnostics information
_No response_
### Example YAML snippet
_No response_
### Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?
_No response_
### Additional information
_No response_