Duplicate entries in logbook?

Any ideas why some of my logbook entries are duplicates? Interesting to note that the output of the automation is only performed once. For example “alert” is to pushover - I only ever get one alert per trigger.

Some events occur in succession. You can make your automations more robust by using to: and from: to remove same state to same state triggers.

for example instead of this, which will trigger on all ‘on’ states (on -> on, off -> on).

  - platform: state
    entity_id: switch.myswitch
    to: 'on'

use this to filter out on -> on triggers.

  - platform: state
    entity_id: switch.myswitch
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
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Thanks - I’ll give that a go - I’ll also try that to see if it fixes an automation which is firing when it needn’t before asking about that separately. Cheers

Here, for example, in theory that automation shouldn’t fire - but it does. I’ll implement your from: to: filtering and see if it helps! :slight_smile: Thanks!


Well, just because it triggered doesn’t mean it executed. Remember automations have conditions. If the conditions aren’t met, the automations actions won’t fire.

Yeah it definitely fired - but only once. I know because I got the output of the automation (a pushover notification).
Hopefully implementing your filtering will help with that.
I’m wondering if somehow TWO timers get activated because the timer gets triggered twice…maybe…just a theory.