I have several mqtt devices, but one has gone wonky and not sure where to look. It is a light control called piano_color_lights.
It appears as one entity in the entity registry and in the developer states tools.
But if I go into integrations, mqtt, it appears twice. The two entries for it are identical on the integration screen, but if I go into the device screen one of them shows no scripts and no entities, and one shows the expected entity and scripts.
But (presumably) the one connected to the entities has stopped working. Like it’s no longer connected. I suspect (with no facts) that the one that shows entity is not real, and the other one (in integrations) is the real device now.
I have looked in mqtt explorer under homeassistant as a heading and see it once, and it is updating as expected.
That device hasn’t been updated (as in OTA), it may or may not have rebooted. It is a esphome device. It appears once in esphome also as online.
If I restart home assistant nothing changes.
Short of deleting the mqtt integration and starting over (which I can do but am hesitant until I understand this), what else can I check? Any ideas what could be causing this break of the connection from mqtt through entity?
PS.I’m on hassio version 105.3 in hass.io running inside a linux vm. No errors in the log from mqtt.