Today at some point, one of my Inovelli lights was ‘re-added’ as a ZWave device and now it shows twice in my Z Wave Nodes. I looked in the zwcfg file and node 13 is only there once.
In my Nodes list on the ZWave Integration page I see:
Inovelli LZW42 Multi-Color Bulb (Node 13: Complete)
Living Room Left Bulb (Node 13: ProtocolInfo)
If I select either one, and open up the entities, both “my” entity and the default one show. If I change the default one (light.inovelli_lzw42_multi_color_bulb_level), the light turns on/ off. If I change the one that I renamed, it doesn’t work.
This is only one device on my network, so it’s not a big deal if I have to rename the Node 13: complete one, but how do I get rid of the extra in the listing? I did Heal Network and rebooted HA. Not sure what else to try to clean it up. Thanks!