I had a strange issue occur with my Tesla Energy system data coming in through the Teslemetry integration. Essentially, Tesla had an issue that caused their API to lose my system for a short time, and when it came back, Home Assistant read it as a new system. This meant my readings are no longer tied to the Powercalc integration that was taking those power readings and creating day/month/year/total energy meters.
I haven’t had success resolving this. I have 2 energy devices showing in Teslemetry , but Powercalc is not working with either; all of my Powercalc entities show ‘not provided’ at this point. The actual Teslemetry entities coming in with live data have the same entity IDs as the prior ones did (and those old ones are no longer showing in the list of entities): eg sensor.photon_collector_grid_power.
I’d love to not lose my history, and I would really prefer not to have to set all this up from scratch again (it was a PITA to get everything going due to my system’s rather unique setup). Any ideas how I can force Powercalc to just continue as it was, only using the current Teslemetry entities?