Duplicate Xiaomi miio lights after upgrade from 2021.6 to 2021.7/8

Hi guys,

Everything worked fine on 2021.6. When when I upgraded to 2021.8 all my xiaomi miio devices stopped working (purifiers and zhirui downlights). The entities would appear but just not respond. Same behaviour occurred on 2021.7

So I removed the manual yaml config for my miio devices on 2021.8, and now they’re all working through the ‘Xiaomi Miio’ integration, however, I’m stuck with multiple copies of each entity (see screenshots below).

Any idea how I can remove these duplicates? It also seems that we’ve been forced to use the GUI integration config instead of yaml which is quite annoying.

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What are 106, 107, 108? HA core versions?

My bad, by 106 I meant 2021.06; I’ve updated the post.

I have similar problem from months ago, not from this HA version…, it duplicates all the bulbs every restart, and after having 85 copies of every bulb (I have 7 bulbs) on system log say 75.000 errors 1 minute after restart the system, and HA was very very very slow, unusuable.

I found the problem was this integration, and I removed during 2 hours manually all the repeated bulbs, then it works fast again, but every time I restart the system it duplicates again every bulb. So, I don’t know how to remove permanently this integration, I want to try to use another one from HACS