Dutch Hass discord


I have seen that there are a number of Dutch and Belgians who use Hass.
I have just confirmed a disagreement for people from the Netherlands and Belgium where everyone can raise their tips & tricks, questions and the like.

Those who are interested are welcome in the discord server, hopefully we can further develop it into a close-knit and concrete community for Dutch-speaking Hass users.


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Hi! Please note, that this community is English only. We do not allow posts in other languages. Please adjust your post.

PS: There are some Dutch Discord servers around already. For example: https://discord.gg/Ee5X7T7


Also (as Dutch person) not sure why people try to deviate from english.
This one seems more active despite the ‘dwains’ background


Oh here is another one, from Smart Home Junkie: https://discord.gg/4mrGvdJATH

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