Dutch Smart Meter over WiFi adapter (DSMR over WiFi)

My smart meter is installed in the cellar where no patch cables are available. I could use a raspberry pi only for connecting the smart meter but I would need a rs232 p1 usb cable too. I thought this could be easier.

Therefor I made a wifi box to connect my P1 port and use telnet to connect to Home Assistant (with using DSMR-Reader as a proxy (mqqt). More about my project can be fount on my website (in Dutch).


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Very interesting. Will work with homeassistant installed on Linux. But how will that do with homeassistant “appliance”?

I tried to use it with the dsmr integration in HA and tried to connect it by ip but didn’t get it to work. Now I use dsmr-reader as a proxy wich gives me more details than HA alone. The mqqt connection in dsmr-reader publishes the updates to HA which works perfect now for more than a year.

Hey, I just used a likewise function that has been working perfectly, but after the new update of Home Assistant my DSMR is not reading out anymore. I already checked with putty that it is still spitting out data but DSMR cannot read it. @Roel_van_Wanrooy is there something broken for you 2?

Hi Mart,

Everything works perfect after the update.