Dutch smart meter via ESP8266

Hi all,

I have a Iskra AM550 smart meter that uses the DSMR version 5.0. I want to get the data using an D1 mini and this sketch: https://github.com/fliphess/esp8266_p1meter, patched with PR4.

I’m using a Wemos D1 mini, following the pinout on the docs, exept data: I’m using pin D7 instead of D2. It receives some data, but I’m getting CRC invalid messages and it seems that the data it receives is partly wrong. This is an example:


CRC Invalid!

So the first 4 lines are correct, but the 5the line is partial right but it looks like bits are missing… I have limited experience with Arduino sketches and hooking up hardware to an ESP8266, but does someone have a clue what is going on and what I can do about it?

Hi Tom,
I am also having the same issue with AM550, did you have any luck with it?

Sorry, no. I was busy with other things. I’ll let you know if I have succeed!