Dutch TTS announcements

Hi all,

I have been reading many topic about TTS last days. I installed and configured the Forked-daapd add-on and this is working :slight_smile:

But I like to play all kind off announcements on specific speakers using TTS in Dutch. Has anybody a good and natural speaking Dutch TTS solution running on HA?

Best regards,

Use google translate for this!
Set language to ‘NL’

Usiing this for some years already.

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Thanks for your reply. I tried that before and tried it again just now. See screenshot with error message. There must be some thing more I need to do to get this working.

I get an error too… it worked before!

this is a bug in 115.4.
downgrade to 115.3 while this is fixed (team is working on it)

I’m running 115.3, so this does not apply to my problem I guess

sorry if I draw the wrong conclusion, there are a few issues atm.

fwiw, I use google tts and it works just fine in Dutch (if you can live with the voice…)

this is all that’s needed (no language setting required, I have it speak in 6 languages :wink: :

# Tts
# https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/google_translate/

  - platform: google_translate
    service_name: google_say
    cache: false

Ok I will set it up as you suggest.

How do you let it speak in Dutch then ? What command do I need to give?

using the service

      - service: tts.google_say
          language: >
          entity_id: media_player.your_player
          message: >

as you can see the fields can be templated (entity_id too), but you can also hard code it of course

Ok clear,

But I keep getting an error saying that the Airplay service is not available

really sorry, cant help you there, I don’t use the airplay service, nor would I know which add-on that would be?

I found out that the issue was caused by the Apple TV integration, which is in beta. Deinstalled it and now it is working.

Thanks to all of you who helped me on this:-)

if you can live with the voice…” indeed.
Why can’t it be more like (or be the actual) voice that Google Assistant uses?

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