DVR Software within Home Asssitant OS?

Hey guys,

so im looking to make a cheap DVR system that i can i use with around 5 ish cameras. I currently found some really cheal RTSP IP cameras that simply need power and use wifi for sending livestream video. I connected then to home assistant and am able to successfully view them with no problems.

I was wondering however, how can i record these?
Im currently running HAOS on an old desktop and was hoping there could be some software that can natively run on HAOS.

any thing helps, thanks!

Frigate is the way to go.

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oooh, nice. def will try to get this running today!

just one quick question, my home assistant install has a GPU (integrated into cpu) can that help speed up processing? if not, $60 for the coral usb board isnt too bad in my opinion.

edit: i just read more about it. it says it does. you can ignore the above question.

GPU is supported

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yep! this project looks really well built