Dwains Dashboard after update Release 2023.9.1

After update Release 2023.9.1 (from 8.4) Dwains dashboard diseppeared.
Open the link in my browser (chrome) http://homeassistant.local:8123/dwains-dashboard/home

Give me

Custom element doesn't exist: homepage-card.

type: custom:homepage-card

I tried this too in Microsoft edge (same problem)

On my smartphone (home assistant app) it is still working.

What could be the problem here?


Same problem here. Tried also with the Edge private mode.
I tried some suggestion to get the Edge cache empty for this site but without success.
With Firefox, I don’t have any problem.
With my android mobile, I need to clear the cache almost every time.

Same here. Safari works but Chrome based browsers get the same error.

An issue is opened on DD Github for this https://github.com/dwainscheeren/dwains-lovelace-dashboard/issues/726

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