Hi all, I’m a little stuck with configuring dwains dashboard. I have downloaded and installed Dwains dashboard and have just started setting the rooms up but I am little stuck on a couple of bits. For some reason I can only get lights to work when I add only 1 to the room. I have created a light group which includes some switches in the config.yaml but I get a light entity error in the dashboard in every room that I have a group added. I assume there is something wrong with the group but no idea what, nothing appearing in the logs. The second issue is I have added a camera to a room but I don’t see this in the dashboard, this works in the standard lovelace dashboard.
So I have got the groups to work but they act as a single light in the dashboard. The only way they work currently is if I add them to the rooms.yaml as light.living_room_group rather than group.living_room.group. I assume this means that my grouping is correct in the HA config.yaml and I must have gone wrong somewhere with the dwains dashboard config.
Removed the groups from the config.yaml and added to the groups.yaml instead but now get an error along the lines of invalid config for group expected a dictionary for dictionary value. I have group !include groups.yaml in my config but I get an error at this line when I check configuration.
So turns out I was doing the groups wrong. Added to the groups.yaml file restarted and everything picked up correctly from the dashboard. An example below of what I should have been doing.
name: "living_room_light_group"
- light.living_room_light1
- light.living_room_light2
- light.living_room_light3
- light.living_room_light1
Hi @gmain, I am confused as I have the same issue.
name: Salon
- light.love
- light.hue_filament_bulb_1
- light.strip_sdb
And in rooms.yaml :
- name: Salon
icon: mdi:sofa
light: group.Salon_lights
climate: climate.thermostatic_salon_droit_2
humidity: sensor.air_quality_salon_humidity
safety: binary_sensor.air_quality_salon_home_health_volatile_organic_compound_level
media_player: media_player.family_room
But I get a light entity error :
Hi, sorry for the late reply. Do you have the below in your configuration.yaml?
group: !include groups.yaml
This otherwise looks the same as mine. Have you restarted the Groups configuration in Yaml reloading? If so are you able to add the group to a standard HA dashboard?
Try changing from capitals to lower case ie, from light: group.Salon_lights to light: group.salon_lights
I was having the same issue - I made the above change and it now works.